Jan, 19th, 2025, "Jam Night", a night of (real) Jam Making and experimental sound at my Living Room, a
collaboration with Cho Chen, Los Angeles
Jan 18th, 2025, "The Typist", an audiovisual performance at 4C Gallery, Los Angeles, CA. Opening night for
Jiayun Chen's Solo Exhibition, Calloh, Calloy!
Jan. 16th, 2025, "The Typist" an audiovisual performance at MAT Winter Show, Glass Box Gallery, Santa Barbara,
June, 28th, 2024, "Mark" a dance production by Selcouth Movement, Los Angeles
May, 26th, 2024, "10000 Waves for 28 Performers", premiere by the BlackHouse Collective, Oracle Egg,
Los Angeles
May, 2024 "Ephemeral Bloom" premiered by Seattle Festival Orchestra, Seattle, Washington
Feb. 23rd, 2024 "We all inevitably fall into the abyss", Lotte Lehmann Hall, Santa Barbara, CA
Jan 19th-20th 2024, "Mark", Highway Performance Space and Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
November 4th, 2023, Acousmatic work "I Saw A Butterfly Nestled in a Bell",
The Royal Conservatory of Antwerp, Belgium
July, 2023, "In the Center of a Shadow Lies the Brightest Spot"premiered by Riot Ensemble
Viitasaari, Finland
June, 9th, 2023, MAT End of the Year Show, Santa Barbara Center of Art, Science and Technology
Santa Barbara, CA
​May 26th 2023, Graduate Composers Concert at Lotte Lehmann Hall
University of California, Santa Barbara
April 2nd 2023, The Other Art Fair, Santa Monica
Los Angeles, CA